Gruesome Gazette

Dead by Daylight Original Game Soundtrack Review[Musical Monday]

Here we are with the soundtrack to the popular asymmetrical survival horror game Dead By Daylight. The game is essentially the experience of what it is like to be in your very own horror movie and trying to survive from various killers.

The music aspect of the game mostly features during sequences when the killers stalk or chase you. I like how the tracks develop during that as they start low and eventually get louder as the killer gets near you. There are other musical sequences that play as when you get hooked by the killer.

Each track was designed to make you feel anxiety and dread and I will say they delivered on that aspect. The soundtrack completely immerses you in the experience of the game.

I highly recommend checking it out as I feel horror fans will feel right at home with the music this soundtrack offers.
Till next time, stay scared!
-Tha Thrilla –

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