Gruesome Gazette

Evil Dead II: Dead by Dawn(Review)[Twisted Throwback Thursday]

I figured now would be a good time to look into the past films of the Evil Dead franchise, namely Evil Dead 2: Dead by Dawn. Considered by most to be the best film in the series and I am inclined to agree as it is brings laughs along with buckets of various shades of blood.

The film was both a loose remake of the first film due to rights issues as well as a sequel and once again we are following Ash as he battles against the Deadites.

We get our first taste of Evil Ash as he becomes possessed but through sheer force of will as well as help from Annie Knowby the daughter of Professor Knowby who originally discovered the Necronomicon he is able to regain himself. Some more lore is given to the dreaded book as well as the history of the Knowby family.

We also see the extent of Bruce Campbell’s physical comedy when Ash’s hand becomes possessed. There are a good bit of goofy moments for example when Ash starts hysterically laughing due to inanimate objects in the house starting a laugh riot. He also becomes more of the hero he is meant to be.

The Deadites are just as dastardly as ever, leading to an absolutely bonkers final confrontation where Ash ends up sucked in a portal, setting the stage for the third film Army of Darkness.

Evil Dead II is a lot of fun to watch, and very bloody as hell. It would be hard to think of any horror fan that has not seen this movie yet, but if you are one of them then you definitely need to see what you been missing out on.

Till next time, stay scared!!
-Tha Thrilla-

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