Gruesome Gazette


There are films you just are better off experiencing without knowing explanation behind it. Cuckoo was a wild experience about a man trying to control nature and he fails miserable at doing so.

We meet Gretchen whose family relocate to a community in Germany. She finds out a dark secret plagues the community that ultimately threatens her very existence.

German guy played by Dan Stevens, well he became entertaining. I named him creepy German guy because he was just appearing from nowhere and he was always slimy. You definitely suspect he is up to no good and once you learn his part in all this, it just makes him even more irredeemable.

As far as the creatures plaguing the community..we don’t know much of them except they share common traits with cuckoo birds. They use this call that can affect humans sending them on time loops. I can say they were very eldritch.

In all this movie was freaking weird and that’s what I liked about that. The only thing that became distracting was the main character. Maybe it was the acting but the performance seemed wooden. Maybe it was purposeful because her character had experienced a tragic loss.

Otherwise this is a pretty solid freaky horror film. The ending will see if Gretchen can escape the community intact. There may be blood and other unidentified fluids.

You can find this streaming on Hulu..just go in blind, it’s a better experience.

If you already seen Cuckoo, let us know your thoughts below!

Till next time, stay scared!
-Tha Thrilla-

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