Arcadian may boast the most subdued role Nicolas Cage has ever played. And it’s a creature feature! That’s the movies charm is when it comes to the creatures. They are certainly different.
The plot sees a father played by Nicolas Cage who every night have to fortify their home from attacks of the creatures. The father is gravely injured leaving his sons having to fend for their lives while using everything he has taught them.
The creatures look impossible. They are able to elongate their arms to crazy lengths. They have long snapping jaws and they snap their jaws in rapid succession when they are about to engulf their prey. They also have the ability to produce bugs. I had no idea what I was looking at but it was awesome seeing them in. action. They had this ability to link up and form wheels and seeing them just rolling after their prey was a fun sight to see.
We get very little information as to why they were here, more so the story was how to survive in a grim future filled with monsters. Turns out you can find hope to continue on but it’s not without its sacrifices. Nicolas Cage plays more of a supporting character and the sequence where he is teaching the sons how to drive, you would expect that’s when he would lose his cool. But he doesn’t. And when his family faces an all out attack from the vicious critters he calmly accepts his fate and does what he has to do to protect his family.
I thought this was good, I like we got creatures that were different and couldn’t be explained and also how the movie explored the inner workings of how people who are just trying to survive in an apocalypse. I wouldn’t go so far to say this is one of top movies of the year but you have to appreciate what it sets out to do.
This movie is currently streaming on Shudder for you to check out which I recommend giving it a look. If you already seen Arcadian what did you think of it? Let us know your thoughts below!
Till next time, stay scared!
-Tha Thrilla-