Gruesome Gazette

Silent Night(2021)(Happy Horrordays #24)(Review)

I wonder how many times people saw Silent Night(2021)thinking it has to do with a psychopath dressed as Santa Claus but found something completely different. Or maybe why this movie is relatively unknown is due to the fact it’s very depressing. People wanting a movie full of cheer will absolutely not have a good time.

The plot sees a family gathering that is taking place during Christmas as the world is ending. As certain doom approaches, the family wrestles with their decisions and each other as they accept their fate.

As far as what everyone is being told, either due to Russians or its the planet fighting back, this is why the apocalypse is unfolding. They are given two choices..they can die peacefully or suffer a horrible painful death. There’s this stigma that suffering is bad that propagated by the government and everyone should take the easy option without any question. However there are questions. Like what if someone got it wrong? How do they know there aren’t ways to survive what’s coming?

So yeah the movie starts out okay,everyone is spending this day as it’s the last day on Earth. But as time goes on, and the threat grows closer, this is when things turn around and it’s one emotional gut punch after another. The movie becomes soul crushing.

You wonder if anyone has ever been affected by the threat and if they have survived it. Those answers are given but by the time it comes, it’s already too late.

End of the world during Christmas time, yeah I guess shouldn’t expect it to be all happy cheery. But this was overkill. Once the final reveal comes, all I can say is it’s even more depressing.

There’s a colorful cast of characters..the story is good, it will definitely keep you interested. If it wasn’t for the emotional aspect, I would recommend it. I still will recommend just caution thing get to be very bleak.
If you haven’t seen it yet, it’s currently streaming on Netflix.

If you seen Silent Night(2021), what was your thoughts on it? Let us know your thoughts below!

Till next time, Happy Horrordays!
-Tha Thrilla-

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